Kuwaiti businessman Abdul Aziz Saud Al Babtain addresses Turkish businessmen: There is a lot to do
As both countries agreed and pledged upon having stronger relations, I went there, observed and examined.
Kuwaiti businessmen are already prepared for such collaboration…
Al Babtain owns one of the largest libraries of the Arab World and thought that dialogue is necessary against the unjust treatment of Muslim countries since the attacks of September 11th. The businessman said “It should be us that facilitates this” and went to visit his Western colleagues and organized conferences in Kuwait. He says ‘These type of organizations are not that easy’. But he didn’t give up because of the challenges and achieved his current status.
The smart Kuwaiti businessman introduces his library to the world while creating solutions for building dialogues. Two birds in one stone!!!
Al Babtain says ‘We give positive messages’ and adds that he follows Turkey closely. He finds out what’s going on in Turkey instantly. He calls for the Turkish businessmen and gives them a message: ‘ There is a lot more to do’.
Yes, Kuwait is on a sprint. The Kuwaiti that I met, that I spoke with, impressed me with their education and their modern vision, which is not something we are used to seing in the Arab World.
And they will continue to impress us. The relations between the two countries are stronger.
This is the time to get to know this face of the gulf closer.