Julian Assange talks exclusively to Aysegul Ekinci

AE: In an interview you had said ‘I like to crash to B..ds.’ These words annoyed the Obama Management. Don’t you think it’s normal?

Julian Assange: I didn’t mean the USA management in that interview. I said ‘I like to crash the powerful’. Powerful can mean a lot of things here. I like to be by the weak one’s side.

AE: The date is July 5th, 2003. American soldiers covered the heads of Turkish soldiers with sacks. How do you see this incident? What was behind it?

JA: I cannnot comment on that. I have to speak based on documents. If you ask based on Iraq War Logs, they cover the dates between 2004 and 2009. 2003 is not included.

AE: What about the details about Turkey in the Iraq War Logs.

JA: You come accross a lot of documents. If you enter the relevant words on the site of Wiki Leaks, you will see the documents. We see information with Kurdish and Turkish origins frequently.

AE: A magazine in England chose you as one of the 50 most powerful names of 2010. You became famous. How is it to live with such fame?

JA: This was my concious choice. I wanted to be known for the documents. That way I could tell what I wanted to tell easily. Nowadays I live running away. No matter what I do, people know me everywhere I go. I wouldn’t want to be the man who plays the lead role, I would want to be the man plays the game. It depends how you use the fame.

AE: Do you every wonder about the origins of the documents that are sent to you? Doesn’t publishing certain documents mean jeopardizing the source?

JA: It’s an operation that I’m very careful with. There are documents for which I know or don’t know the source. I confirm the source one way or the other. If I receive the document, the informer takes a risk too. But without risks, we can’t do anything for the good of the people.

AE: Is the future of Wiki Leaks in danger?

JA: The more people we reach, the stronger we get. We are not scared. We are getting stronger. There are more institutions who want to give us support legally. Those who create wars can no longer play ‘blind’ against the facts.

Julian Assange, looks exhausted. Exhausted but determined. I assume he didn’t sleep. I wonder the source of his energy. The response I get, is as clear as his mission:

‘I don’t want the future generations to make the same mistakes that we did. I want to leave a clean history. I want to have a part in that, and I want Wiki Leaks to have a part in that.’

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