Digital money, digital life, digital rise. Was that what we had been looking for/expecting?

A parcel arrived or we had been to shopping and returned home. It is vital to remember that we are ‘in a fight’ with a virus before opening the door, and thus shoes, the coat, the purse and the shopping bags should be meticulously disinfected. And once in the house, it is highly important that you run to the bathroom to wash your hands.

Going through what we have done while outside. Emptying the shopping bags in the kitchen. The phone rang, the doorbell rang, an email dropped in the mailbox, a Whatsapp message came. While all these going on, checking several times ‘what and how much of it has been done properly!…
There are news about the ‘virus’ on TV. Something which has never been seen neither on the national nor on international media has happened. There is only one specific news. The world’s agenda revolves around one and only topic, pandemic.

There is no foreign news, no political news (Isn’t that strange?), no paparazzi news, no sports news.
No to meeting friends. No to seeing loved ones and fulfill longing. Just a minute! It is actually possible with the smart phones’ apps. Several everyday hobbies which you did not value much, even did not care much up until that time will no longer be there till God knows when.

Then, what do we have?
For instance, ‘How about breathing healthily?’ Digital trainings are available. There is digital solidarity. There is digital meditation. There is ‘what to eat, what not to eat’ as digital information. You can’t see anybody, but you enter everybody’s life via digital tools. You know what other people do.

There are people sharing videos about how they managed hair dye in quarantine.
Or there are people crying due to the confusion and feeling depressed after the quarantine days, when going out for the first time. They utter, ‘Dear God, what strange times we live in?’
They are like very ordinary scenes in a fantastic film.

They are our life stories which we have been accustomed to nowadays as daily routines.
Then, was that the expected rise?
What about the long debated quantum jump, entering the digital era, rise in the planet earth’s dimension, shifting from 3D to 5D.

Can the ‘nightmare’ which passed from a bat to human in Wuhan, China, and from there spread all around the world with the speed of light, and changed our lives all of a sudden actually be part of the illusion and duality?
Part of what, from which angle, and how you see it?

The religion phenomenon, the perception of love, reliance, economy, culture, social activities, becoming closer with people, shortly whatever it is to do with being a human – one morning- went into a black hole.
Yet, the answer is right here!

They asked Rumi:‘Something happened and my life is a mess. Chaotic. What should I do?’
He replied: ‘How do know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?’ What is next is digital money, digital business branches, a digital world.
Or just the vice versa.

All right. Then, where do you see yourself within this new world concept or awakening?
As Nietzche argues, are you part of the Eternal Recurrence or one of the people who says ‘There must be a reason,’while making his reality come true and opening his eye of the heart to the endless possibilities chain that the creator of all provides.

This way or another, duality is a mental confusion that serves humanity. The calmer the mind, the less affected we are. Even though the self chooses the easy way among material, spirit and body, the awakening does not occur easy. The ones who have discovered the illusion and the unity among the material-spirit transition live neither yesterday nor tomorrow, but in the moment.

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