Her name is: Fatima Bhutto. She is the daughter of Murtaza, Benazir Bhutto’s brother who was assassinated by an unknown assailant just like her.
Fatimawas drawing attention when her aunt was still alive, with her speeches and articles where she was criticizing her aunt. However, with assassination of Murtaza Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto cut her contact with Murtaza’s wife Ganwa Bhutto and her nephews and nieces.
It wasn’t easy to reach Fatima Bhutto since she didn’t accept exclusive interviews with anyone. She only spoke to The Times after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
I was finally invited to that famous house where the Bhutto family lives. I met her mother, who is also a politician. She talked about her daughter with praise and it was almost like she spilled out her hatred when she said: “All these years the murderers of my husband still haven’t been found. We asked Benazir to help us. But she didn’t even speak to us. Life is strange. I wouldn’t want it to be this way. But history repeats itself”.
At that moment Fatima Bhutto entered the room.
Niece Bhutto was identical to the younger years of Benazir.
But what about her soul?