Guy Ritchie: ‘ I like complex movies’

AEkinci: This is the first movie you filmed after a long time. How does it feel?

Guy Ritchie: Some said that I was hungry for a new movie. But I don’t agree with them. This is not hunger. I’m more excited and concentrated than ever.

AE: People worry that RocknRolla will be better understood by British audience. What’s your take on that?

Guy Ritchie: The story in is London. Talks about the Mafia. Mafia is mafia everywhere you go. I don’t agree with them.

AE: What are the things you pay attention to when you make your movies?

Guy Ritchie: I like complex movies where stories intertwine, with questions marks. Movies where your mind gets involved.

AE: What’s next?

Guy Ritchie: I want to make more movies next. I want to make children movies. Especially animated movies.

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