Susan Sarandon answered Ayşegül Ekinci’s questions

AE: What do you think about procedures such as botox which actors and actresses prefer in order to stay young?

SSarandon: I don’t find it right when actors play with their faces to the point where they cannot move their muscles. I wouldn’t want to look younger than 30 when I’m 60. I don’t hide my age. I think looking good for my age is better than looking younger than my age. For some reason this has become the latest fashion in the world. But it might affect your job in acting. Can you imagine a face that doesn’t move. It’s not convincing. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that my neck doesn’t bother me. If I ever do something about it, I ask my fans to forgive me (laughs) !

AE: How easy is it to find roles in the movies after a certain age? Ofcourse I’m asking this with the exception of you. You have a very special place.

SSarandon: (Laughs again) I find roles that suit my age, since I didn’t get botox done!!!

In fact, when you get to a certain age in the movie sector, you become the story teller. Unfortunately, men have more luck in character roles after a certain age, than women. Because men can continue to play the main roles until very old ages, but it’s not the same for women. But I don’t have such problem.

AE: How do you select the projects that come to you?

SSarandon: I like movies that tell a story. For instance, Dead Man Walking was a very difficult movie to watch. But the story was very strong.

AE: In Speed Racer you play the mother of the Racer Family. How did you accept this part?

SSarandon:The storyline of the movie seemed very interesting to me. Wachowski Brothers are important directors to work with. I think it’s a privilege for actors to work with them. Mrs. Racer is a great mother. Great spouse. I like roles that are from among ourselves. That’s why I said yes to the part.

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